Our Mission
Scoil Bhríde Nurney is a Catholic Primary School which strives to provide a happy, co-operative and safe school atmosphere where the self esteem of each child will be enhanced and the educational, spiritual, moral and cultural needs of each child identified and developed with compassion, enthusiasm and due regard for the child’s individuality. Our school community promotes excellence in teaching and learning.
Saint Brigid - Our School's Patron Saint
Our school crest consists of a St Bridget's Cross with the motto "Mol an Óige" (Irish for "Encourage the Youth"). St Brigid is our patron Saint.
Her original convent was founded a mere 4 miles away in Kildare town. We are proud to carry on the tradition of St. Brigid's crosses. Each year pupils, parents and members of our local community make St. Brigid's crosses to supply Parish Centres, shops etc over a large area.